N e w s !
We welcome you to the Freedom X-Press Website!
Explore the menu above to see more.
Our latest additions to the website:
- More pieces of writing is published: go to SECTIONS and enjoy reading.
There is also a presentation of our vision, as we presented it as a workshop at the EAGT Conference in Stockholm, 2001. Click on "WRITING" to read more...
Freedom X-Press was conceived on 13th September in Stockholm, Sweden, on the second day Elizabeth Revell, Lars Berg and Sharon Snir had ever met. As editors to the AAGT, EAGT and GANZ Newsletters we had begun an email relationship one year earlier. Quickly we realised we each had a Vision. Our excitement was intensified when we realised it was the same vision.
Part of the vision was to work together to create a workshop where anyone could step beyond their inner critic and write with joy and confidence."Our Write to Re-member, Reconnecting to our Inner Writer, Poet and Storyteller", grounded that Vision into reality at the 2001 EAGT Conference in Stockholm.
The other part of the Vision was to create a Gestalt Publication for personal expression through writing. Freedom X-Press, was offered as a possibility to the participants of our first workshop and was greeted with great enthusiasm.
From there we returned to our homes in Australia, USA and Sweden and resumed our email connection. Through the wonders of cyber space we gradually and gently birthed Freedom X-Press. www.freedomxpress.net
Freedom X-Press has 5 main pages from which you can choose how and what you wish to submit:
NEWS - information on what's new in related workshops, writing experiments, comments inspired by writing submissions etc
SUBMIT - rules and suggestions for submitting written work
SECTIONS - The exhibition Gallery
WRITING - Valuable inspiration for further writing
LINKS - Websites that can inspire and nurture expressiveness through writing.
We invite you to explore Freedom X-Press and to share your ideas, thoughts and opinions with us. We believe we have a great deal to offer the world as Gestalt practitioners and through our writing we have the possibility of building a bridge that extends far beyond the client/student/therapist relationship. Freedom X-Press is a vehicle from which we can create new and exciting opportunities for ourselves and others.
This News-page is the perfect place to start at Freedom X-Press, to see what's up and what new writing that have emerged.
And, if you have any ideas, please write to us:
This site was updated on
October 9, 2004
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